Saturday, January 10, 2015

SNGF: Updated Ancestor Score

This week's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge from Randy Seaver is (essentially) to update our Ancestor Score from last year. You can see the details of his challenge here.
Last year's post on this same topic can be found here.

So, here is my updated table:
Relationship Possible People People in MY Tree Percent
1 Me 1 1 100%
2 Parents 2 2 100%
3 Grandparents 4 4 100%
4 Great-grandparents 8 8 100%
5 2x Great-grandparents 16 16 100%
6 3x Great-grandparents 32 30 94%
7 4x Great-grandparents 64 33 52%
8 5x Great-grandparents 128 35 27%
9 6x Great-grandparents 256 24 9%
10 7x Great-grandparents 512 21 4%

This year I created Outline Ancestor Reports in my two (paternal and maternal) Family TreeMaker databases, with me as the starting person. These reports number each generation, so it was easy to just count how many of each generation number were in each report. Much easier than what I did last year!

My overall score this year is 17%, a whopping 1% increase over last year. The research I did on my father's SONNEN and MOHR lines in September at the Family History Library added 7 names to my direct line, 2 in the 6th generation and 5 in the 7th generation.

Unfortunately, I don't have any New England ancestry and by the 10th generation almost all of my lines are back in the "old country." I have a smattering of 11th and 12th generation ancestor names in my database, but none beyond that. Even my "Swedes on the Delaware" line (STILLE/STILLEY) ancestors were born in Sweden by the 11th generation (b. 1640).

1 comment:

  1. I decided to do like one of the original posters and just add the total number of people because the percentage will grow so slowly over time. But, if I concentrate on the actual number instead, it'll grow faster!

    I agree... wish I had some New England ancestors! It looks like that would make genealogy 'easy'! ;)
