Saturday, November 16, 2013

SNGF: Geneamaps!

Randy Seaver's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge for this week involves maps, so of course I have to do it!
Randy's challenge this week (see is to generate maps of US states and Canadian provinces we've visited using the cool mapping tool at The "advanced challenge" is to generate maps of your 16 great-great grandparents resided when they married.

1. Map of my travels:
The color definitions are as follows:
    pink is for states/provinces I've visited, but no spent much time in
    amber is for states/provinces where I've at least slept and seen some sights
    blue is for states/provinces where I've spent a lot of time and seen a fair amount
    green is for states/provinces where I've spent a great deal of time on multiple visits (or lived)

YES, I have visited EVERY state in the U.S. at least once and I've lived in Virginia, Missouri (briefly, as a baby), Japan, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Ohio, Colorado,  Washington, Hawaii, and Arizona (only in winter). My parents retired to Florida, in-laws lived in California, and daughter lives in Minnesota. I've driven across the country three times (so far) and visiting the Canadian maritime provinces is definitely on my bucket list.

2. Randy suggests showing where our 3rd great-grandparents were living at the time of their marriage. That only gives me 8 points, since they all resided near each other prior to marriage, so my next map is of states where my 3rd great-grandparents were BORN.

On this map,
    pink is for states where ONE 3ggparent was born;
    amber is for states where TWO 3ggparents were born;
    blue is for states where THREE 3ggparents were born;
    green is for states where FOUR 3ggparents were born.

Note that this map only shows birth locations for 13 of my 3ggparents; the other 3 were immigrants to the U.S., being born in England (one) and Germany (two). The NJ and OH births (+ all 3 foreign births) were on my Dad's side; the